SAFETY ALERT: Abusers can monitor your computer use by accessing your Internet history, or by use of a program that logs your every keystroke and is almost impossible for the user to notice on their computer. If you are in danger, please use a safer computer that your abuser cannot access, or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE. There is always a computer trail, but you can leave this site quickly.
Or you can donate using
Catalog for Philanthropy!
Click here to see DV LEAP's latest "No Helmet" PSA for domestic violence awareness! Domestic violence is inflicted by people from all backgrounds and athletic abilities. If you are in an abusive relationship and in need of immediate services--safety planning, link to counseling and/or shelter services--please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Today is Giving Tuesday and the official start to our December fundraising campaign. We ask that you think of us while you make your holiday gifts and to help make the biggest impact possible by giving today! Click here to visit our giving page!

DV LEAP is proud to announce the publication of our Supreme Court Roundup
- a summary of key Supreme Court cases of interest to the domestic violence field.
This concise, informative chart lists important Supreme Court cases over the past decade, identifies those in which
DV LEAP has been involved, and explains the importance of the case for the field. DV LEAP will update the Roundup annually.
Click here to view the publication!

Prosecuting Child Abusers Just Got Easier
By Joan Meier
Another Great Win for DV LEAP!
We are thrilled to share a major victory in the DC Court of Appeals concerning the rights of unrelated sexual assault victims to adequate civil protection orders, including an order to the perpetrator to vacate his own apartment where doing so is necessary to effectuate a meaningful stay-away order. DV LEAP is grateful to Cleary Gottlieb for its superb work on our amicus brief in the case; and to Skadden Arps for their topnotch representation of the victim.
Can You Go to Jail for Writing Threatening Rap Lyrics on Facebook?

DV LEAP's Legal Director Joan Meier has written an amicus brief on one of this year's most controversial and talked about cases Elonis v. United States. To read more click here.
DV LEAP Legal Director Joan Meier was interviewed by CBS News regarding threats presented in the Elonis v. United States case. Follow the link below to listen to the entire segment.